Spring Lane School has a wide range of ethnic backgrounds represented by its pupils. An event was held to celebrate this diversity in February 2005 with music, games, dancing and food of different ethnic origins Everyone had a marvellous time !
The school also presented displays recording the history of the Boroughs. "Changing Times" was the result of the reminiscence work carried out by the Neighbourhood Learning Project and members of the local community; the photographs were the result of donations from people who had lived in the Boroughs. The children at Spring Lane School were especially interested in how their neighbourhood had changed over the years
July 22nd 2006
The playing fields of Spring Lane School were open for a Fun Day on 22nd July 2006. The weather was hot and sunny, ideal for a family event
This young man was delighted to spot himself on one of the picture in the "Living and learning in the Boroughs" Community History Display. he was so excited he asked to be photographed again ! He was featured in the web page on "A Visit to Duxford" holding a toy plane
Across the generations, everyone had a marvellous time. Above, father and son smile for this shot while, below, the older generation shelter from the heat under an umbrella !
There were lots of different activities including a Bouncy Castle, face painting and a Buckaroo for the younger vistors ! For the older generation there was a tombola, a raffle and a delicious barbecue provided by the local Kingdom Life Church. Karen, in the white apron, valiantly prepared burgers and sausages in over 30 degrees of heat ! Her excellent food was greatly appreciated
Volunteers from Kingdom Life Church, Spring Boroughs, worked hard to provide refreshments at the barbecue - very welcome on the day
The Fun Day was an opportunity for residents in the Boroughs to enjoy a celebration before the summer holidays
There was lots of fun for the children and there were plenty of them taking advantage of different activities. Face painting was very popular and this young lady is enjoying the attention
Shannon has her hand painted with Mendhi by Reshma. Mr Crumble makes a balloon sculpture for Oliver.
Everybody cooperated in running the Fun Day.Minnie Robins and her husband Frank, were in charge of the very popular tombola with over fifty prizes. Here Minnie shows off a carriage clock which had not yet been won. Hannah and her friend (right) from Kingdom Life Church in the Boroughs worked on the children's activities stall
The Bucking Broco was very popular and so was the Bouncy Castle